In recent years, the development of emerging video forms has brought changes in the mode of information dissemination. Changes of the content industry into video content are becoming prevalent.

The 5G technology enables real-time dissemination of ultra-high-definition content, which will change the use of social media from text and pictures to high-capacity short video, streaming media, live broadcast and other media. Video is expected to become the mainstream information media in society.

(1) Ultra HD video upgrade the content consumption experience

5G improves the capacity and efficiency of content transmission. One of the direct effects is to facilitate the real-time transmission of ultra-high definition content. 5G technology ensures real-time, mobile and HD content transmission, making all kinds of video and live broadcasting services more effective and flexible.

According to the action plan for the development of UHD video industry (2019-2022) released by Chinese government departments in March 2019, it is expected that the scale of China's UHD video industry will reach 4 trillion in 2022, covering 200 million users nationwide.

(2) Interactive video and VR / AR interactive content will become the new trend

In the future, users will pay more attention to interactive experience. Content consumption experience will evolve towards a more immersive and interactive direction. VR or AR video content will gradually cultivate new video consumption habits, and interactive content will also become an important direction of online audio-visual content.

As 5G meets the needs of VR / AR and other technology applications, immersive media services will grow greatly, and more personalized entertainment experiences and diversified video content presentation will now become possible. Immersive audio and video content will build a more emotional and situational content experience for users.

On the whole, interactive and immersive video content will create an experience of combining virtual and real, and reconstruct the relationship between users and content. In the future, ultra-high definition live video, film and television will enter the era of 3D holographic image. Sports events, game events, variety shows and other content can be broadcast in various forms, such as 4K / 8K ultra-high definition live broadcast, 360 degree immersive live broadcast, live broadcast combined with VR / AR scenes, etc. At the same time, the video industry will upgrade the broadcasting ability of interactive content, improve the interactive content production tools, and further build the interactive content ecology of pugc (professional user generated content, i.e. "professional user produced content").

(3) Video industry will expand vertically and bring new potential

The application of new technologies in the video industry will bring a series of new opportunities.

In the short term, 5G will greatly promote the development of ultra-high definition streaming media, VR / AR content, living room entertainment and other fields under the ToC scene. In the medium and long term, 5G will promote the development of internet, driverless cars and other industries in the ToB scenario, and further broaden the video application scenarios.

5G will promote the audio and video business to become a supporting business and provide support for the development of many industries. With the development of the Internet of things (IoT), people can use various devices as the interface of the Internet, and more mobile Internet application services will be combined with video. Video is expected to expand into vertical industries, provide support for intelligent transportation, smart city, smart medicine, smart agriculture and other fields, and serve high social class society.

New business model: optimizing the value of video services

(1) Optimize video advertising and video membership model

Based on the promotion of video consumption experience by 5G, emerging video forms and higher quality content will bring broad creative space for the platform to develop mobile advertising and innovative member services, and help the platform develop an innovative business model.

Firstly, the universal application of ultra-high definition video will greatly improve the content quality and advertising, which will appeal to the users. At the same time, the combination of artificial intelligence will usher in a new era of personalized mobile advertising. For example, by monitoring users' psychological data and capturing users' emotional state when watching videos, emerging technologies can provide more accurate guidance on advertising direction, thus creating more personalized and standardized advertising products.

(2) Create differentiated services of "package + content"

Driven by 5G, the upstream and downstream of the video industry chain is expected to be further developed to form a new content ecological cooperation model. Video platforms, terminal equipment manufacturers and telecom operators bind content with 5G package services through in-depth linkage, and can provide users with diversified and differentiated services.

(3) Explore the possibility of cloud game business

Cloud games are expected to become one of the earliest commercial products of 5G which will benefit from this technological change. According to IHSMarkit, the global market scale of cloud games will reach $2.5 billion in 2023, with a compound growth rate of 50% from 2019 to 2023. According to Gamma data, the scale of China's cloud game market will exceed 4 billion yuan in 2022.

At the same time, 5G will further blur the boundary between video and game. The development of cloud games will promote the streaming of game content. It will be possible to promote high-quality game content such as large-scale end games on the video platform. The development of cloud games is also expected to give birth to a new business form of subscription services in the game field.

Facing this development opportunity, the video platform can expand the game business and actively explore cloud game services. Based on the existing user base and experience in developing subscription services, video platforms can build a cloud game subscription platform and promote subscription services. In the future, the trend of video and game linkage will be further strengthened, the commercial exploration of "video platform + cloud game" will bring more possibilities of value extension to the video industry in the context of 5G.