Over the years, Internet companies have continued to increase and explore the commercialization of search functions. According to CTR's "Search Marketing Budget Trend Report 2022", search advertisements, search function, information flow, short video, and live broadcast advertising have become the main types of Internet advertising for brands.

AI innovation and marketing

With the accelerated penetration of AI technology in the marketing field, Baidu has continuously improved the efficiency of brands through digital human and other marketing media in the Web3.0 era, the age of AI, creating a more imaginative scenario for the brand.

For example, Baidu AI digital person Du Xiaoxiao appeared in a virtual event. In addition to that, in the new product promotional video jointly launched by Clinique and Du Xiaoxiao, Du's role also helped Clinique to establish a visual cognitive advantage.

In the future, the continuous extension of digital humans in application scenarios will bring more imaginative marketing scenarios to the brand and thus create more commercial value.

The "Surprise" campaign collects off-site promotion traffic on Baidu Search. Users open the Baidu App and search for the main keyword "Surprise" to enter the event. The total exposure of the event reached 210 million, and the daily PV of each brand word increased by 13 times; the brand opportunity population during the event expanded from tens of millions to 100 million, and the conversion from the intended audience to the sample recipients increased significantly, and the overall user conversion rate of the event reached 11.13%.

At the same time, users can enter the brand’s area on Baidu by searching for various brand keywords, receiving formal coupons, and placing orders, which greatly shortens the conversion path for users to make further purchases. For example, in Clinique's "Surprise" campaign, not only did the sample distribution rate reach 127.8%; at the same time, the DAU of the brand mini-program increased by 27 times, the daily order volume increased by 90 times, and the GMV increased by 10 times.